#gotham matching icons
furikass · 1 year
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Made angry Nygmobblepot matching icons. 👌💜💚 
Feel free to use!
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flowersxann · 10 months
selina kyle/catwoman li'l Gotham icons 🤍
+ Gotham sirens/batcat/brucelina matching icons 💗 I LOVE HER
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pridewishes · 1 year
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250x250 || lesbian || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by @afrolatinozuko !!
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makyurini · 1 year
dick grayson's ass could achieve world peace
sculpted by the gods specifically for that. he’s got the key to it buried somewhere in the glutes, i know it
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taylorswiftstyle · 6 months
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Out and about | New York City, NY | December 12, 2023
Stella McCartney ‘Skyla Chain Embellished Boots’ - $970.00
On her birthday eve, Taylor was spotted out again in NYC in a black and tan ensemble that I think suffers primarily from two competing ‘spotlight’ grabbing items that feel like fashun twists on closet staples. A trench rendered in unexpected leather, and black heeled boots with oversized elements like a chunky chain and matching textural sole.
While I’ve loved the outerwear by Stella that Taylor has worn recently, this marks two Stella McCartney shoe choices in a row that I am not a fan of. My preference would have been a simple streamlined heeled boot. Though I can appreciate how the chain detail on these boots are a reference to Stella’s iconic handbags while also tying in to Taylor’s bag hardware.
Worn with: Gant coat, Versace bag, and Louis Vuitton + Cathy Waterman jewelry
Photo by Gotham via Getty Images
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I spent the entirety of this week reading BatFam comics and it DID NOT help the brainrot go away. I’ll make an extended rambling post about it later, but for now that means it’s time for Robin #2! Have some Red Hood! No, I didn’t read any Red Hood stuff, I just have an order in my head for how I’m drawing these idiots!
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Initial traces with half-baked backdrop! Sooooo, Jason has two commonly used costumes, and I think it kinda just depends on the writer which one he gets (someone tell me if there is any rhyme or reason to which one is used). And sometimes they even mix and match like giving him the full helmet, but short sleeves and a vest. I couldn’t decide which one I liked better till I drew them a couple times, so you get both! On the one hand, I really like costume number #2, since it actually HAS a Red Hood and it allows for more expressiveness in his face. But, on the other hand I also really like the long sleeves and the biker jacket look, and it makes more sense practically to wear a full headed helmet.
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Make it a chibi! Here, I do any remaining stylization by using my trace as a reference for a free handed drawing. For my style, that means make them chibi and make them precious. I don’t care if he’s an angry murderer, he is also a cute baby because that’s just how I draw. This is also when I really got a feel for what it’s like to draw each costume. By the time I was done, I had made a decision.
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Characterization pose! Yup, I went with Biker Red Hood. I’m a real sucker for superhero costumes that are actually just really iconic plainclothes, so a really cool custom bike helmet, cargo pants, and a leather jacket are my vibe! I might still oscillate between the two in future drawings depending on what I need for that specific one, but anything with, like, a continuity will use this Red Hood. Like in the Nightwing post, the Red Hood text is traced.
A quick note about the scars: I know Jason got dumped in the Lazarus pit, but I think even before he accumulated a billion new scars by hanging out in the League of Assassins and then being a mob boss, it probably didn’t have enough time or juice to fix his old injuries. Too much power went to fixing his brain and all the injuries accrued from clawing out of his own grave and then bumming it on the streets of Gotham. I specifically included some head trauma from Crowbar and the Batarang scar from the incident in Under The Red Hood which still haven’t read and probably won’t get to for a while. I am also an advocate for the autopsy scar if I ever draw him with that much chest showing.
Finally, I mentioned in the tags for the last post that I colored Dick a little more brown because he is Romani, and that my Jason and my Damian are also not white. I head-cannon Jason as either half Latino or half Brazilian, and I tried to reflect that here.
Nightwing Edition Here!
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sunglassesmish · 11 months
he won 🤩
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Misha Collins took a commanding lead early in Reader voting and never looked back. He takes the title this month with an astonishing 87% of the votes. Like him, his Gotham Knights castmate, Keegan took firm control of 2nd early with Edebiri making a quick claim on 3rd. Exceptional acting is so much more than just saying the words on the page, and in "Night of the Owls" (Ep. 113) of Gotham Knights, Misha Collins gives a stellar performance in just a few short scenes.
As the captured Harvey Dent we see his vulnerable side as Collins' character tries to match wits with his captor, and later as he desperately tries to make amends to and reason with his also captured daughter. It's clear in his eyes and in his emotional pleas that the last thing he wants to do is bring the other side of himself out. He knows the consequences of what happens if he does. Finally, he realizes the only way to save his daughter and the city is to let his evil side out.
That is when a truly masterful transformation takes place, illustrated not just verbally by the deepening timbre of his voice, but physically as well as his whole poster and demeanor changes making him an imposing character despite him being tied to a chair. Harvey Dent sacrificed himself to save others, the other guy's motivation is pure self-preservation even after his face is marred by acid. At that moment Collins and Dent become the physical and emotional personification of the iconic DC villain Two-Face.
It is a genuine shame the show has been canceled before viewers could witness the additional depth he surely would have given this character. Misha Collins is Spoiler TV's June Reader's Choice Performer of the Month.
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glorified-red · 1 year
Christmas Preparations
summary: The Manor was full of bustling activity as everyone helped decorate for the upcoming holiday. Damian invited you over to help, he didn't intend for what happened next.
word count: 2,530~
warnings: pure fluff, a small reference to Jason & Martha/Thomas Wayne's passing.
Merry Christmas! This is for the discord 2022 Secret Santa event as my gift to the wonderful @birdy-bat-writes hope you enjoy, my love :)
Check out the other Secret Santa Gifts!
I have to thank @unmotivatedwrit3r for sitting on call with me to get me to actually finish this in time and sitting through me trying to figure out what word I was thinking of. They helped me plan out these head canons! that gave me some fun context to this fic. 10/10 go support them.
Christmas in the Manor was always a beautiful sight to see. Evergreens cascaded down every railing, accentuated with vibrant red ornaments and matching ribbons. Icicle lights were hung from every balcony as if snow itself made its way into the house. Wreaths, carefully adorned with their own lights and ribbons, lined each corridor to fill the hallways with warmth and light. 
Bells chimed under doorways where mistletoe lay hidden. Traditionally decorated trees, with vibrant ornaments and bright lights, stood tall in almost every room. The grandest tree of all was the centerpiece of the great hall, tall enough to be touched from the balconies of the second story. 
It was the iconic Wayne touch to every charity gala this time of year. Christmas could truly begin in Gotham once the star was placed atop that tree at the end of the Thanksgiving Speeches, where hundreds of people gathered to watch as the blindingly bright star was positioned just right. A toast and Christmas began.
But what truly made Christmas feel real, was up the staircases and into the den. A magnificent brick fireplace sparked to life in that room, shadows of red and orange spilled out of the room in the dark of night, welcoming every worn soul who wandered in. Just above the fireplace were seventeen stockings, all traditional red with gold embroidery spelling each name in swirly cursive. From Thomas and Martha all the way down to Alfred the Cat, each stocking was hung with care. 
“It’s a lot more uniform then I thought it’d be,” Damian heard you comment from below him. He hummed in response from atop the ladder, feeling the plush fabric of the stocking under his fingertips as he hung each one. 
“These stockings are purely for publicity’s sake, they aren’t our real ones.” 
“They aren’t?” He reached for another brick hanger from your hand. 
He lodged the metal onto the next brick over. “No, this is to keep nosy reporters happy.” 
You snorted, he caught the edge of your smile when he turned around slightly to grab the next stocking, a smaller one that read “Titus”. He turned around to refocus. “Where are your real ones then?” 
“In the cave,” he said simply, feeling as though it was absolutely normal for a family to have a separate set of stockings hidden underground. All personalized and barely matching, ranging from traditional red to eggplant purple to knitted white, they were home, all seventeen of them. With what started as Bruce and Alfred’s old stockings from Bruce’s childhood, slowly gained more traction as Dick entered the scene. 
They couldn’t find a matching stocking, as the ones from before were old, worn, and used, so Dick found the closest he could: red with simple white embellishments. It couldn’t dream of matching the embroidered names on the older stockings, or the ribbon that tied around them, but it was his, he had a home. Then came Jason’s plaid, hung always, even when it was  empty some years later. 
Then Barbara’s fancy stocking, with plaid sections and embroidered designs. Tim’s knitted white and Steph’s vibrant purple followed soon after. That was the year Tim found the Mr. & Mrs. Wayne stockings that matched Bruce and Alfreds, the same color and swirly cursive. 
Three stockings were empty that year. 
Then Damian’s own velvet green, a dark emerald. That year came the four small stockings, plaid with the pet names written in Damian’s handwriting. Cass chose a midnight black, the stars of Gotham caught in the fabric with glittered thread. Duke who followed shortly after, with his white and filled with gold embellishments. And Selina, who flickered in and out before solidifying her place in the family with her own cozy stocking, cat and all. 
They were clunky at best. Each year a new stocking was hung aside the rest but they all remained in age order on the cave walls. Some, for the members who picked them out at stuck young ages, had childish handwriting on its top. Others had stockings that matched their homes while for others, this was their first stocking ever. 
Barely the same height or size, they looked slightly off, but they were always endearing. 
It was a slice of normal in the chaos of this family, yet even the normal had the same cozy feeling of mayhem. 
Even now, with the manor bustling with activity, it just seemed normal to Damian, the chaos of the holidays was something he’d grown used to. There was so much decorating to be done this week as the Wayne’s prepared for the biggest event of the year. All hands on deck as all of you scrambled around the manor to decorate every inch of the place. 
Poor Alfred couldn’t decorate the entire place alone (as much as he wanted to), instead, he focused his efforts on creating the delicious dishes that would be catered at the event. Jason was more than happy to trade pie recipes while keeping Roy from raiding the pantry and Kori far from the oven. Wrapping paper was strewn across the floor of the Great Hall as the trio of Cass, Barbara, and Steph wrapped empty boxes to place under the tree, for a grand tree would look pitiful without its vibrant gifts underneath. The room was a mess and tape was caught on everyone’s feet, but the laughter filled the air.
Bruce and Selina were off hanging mistletoe and wreaths while Tim and his friends were up on the rooftop hanging lights—you didn’t know why that chaotic bundle of friends was allowed up there but you trusted the indestructibility of the Core Four helped. Dick and Wally were out on the lawn figuring out the tangled mess of lawn displays, and by that, you knew Dick was doing most of the work while Wally kept commenting about how much faster he could make this go. (“No powers outside the cave, KF.”) Somehow Duke ended up helping after that tangled mess got the two stuck together.
So here Damian was, with you, tasked with putting up the numerous fake trees in the main rooms of the manor only to get sidetracked when you found the gorgeous red stockings. 
“Have you put the other stockings up yet?” you asked him. You held the ladder in place as Damian leaned over slightly to reach for the last stocking placement. 
“Not yet,” Damian spoke, “I imagine they’ll be put up later tonight now that everyone is here.” 
With the stocking box now empty, he climbed down from the ladder and collapsed it swiftly. He caught your eye when you picked up the empty box. “It sounds like fun. Do you have a tree down there, too?” 
Damian took note of your smile, watching the fire light dance in your eyes. He blamed the warmth for why his hands felt so fidgety against the metal of the ladder. He turned away to put the ladder off to the side, diverting his attention to the unopened boxes. 
“We do. It's abysmal, I don’t think a single tree should hold so many ornaments, especially when those ornaments are outdated. Father doesn’t admit it, but he is getting nauseatingly sentimental.” He heard you break down the box from behind him as he opened the long one that held the tree for this room. 
“I think you just don’t want to see your old middle school photos printed onto ornaments,” you teased. You remembered the photos Dick showed you the second he found out Damian brought a friend over, far too happy for this kind of information. “You looked very adorable with your ruffled hair and scowl.” 
“It was not supposed to be ruffled,” Damian retorted, “and I was scowling because I spent all morning perfecting my hair only for some imbecile to ruin it.”
Your laugh cut through his defense with ease, his shoulders relaxed slightly from their defensive position. “You say that, but you scowl all the time, Dames, even right now.” You poked his cheek with the butt-end of a box cutter. 
He slapped it away and scowled even harder to spite you. Instead, you laughed, with crinkles around your eyes and vibrant fractals dancing across your pupils—he couldn’t keep the scowl on any longer, though he tried.
You both unpacked the parts of the tree and set to building it one section at a time. Damian paused when he held two branches. 
“You’re building it wrong,” he noted. 
Your head popped out from behind the tree, surrounded by tiny pieces of green plastic. “No I’m not.” 
“Yes you are.” He held up the uneven lengths of green PVC. “This one is longer than the center part you already connected, this,” he lifted the section of tree in his hand for emphasis, “is supposed to go on first, then that one.” 
Your eyebrows scrunched slightly and Damian hated how he noticed the tip of your nose moving in tandem. You cimbled out from inbetween the corner of the room and the tree to look at it from his perspective. 
“Huh,” you said. He could hear the stumped consonants in your voice that made your confusion obvious. “You’re right.” 
“Of course I’m right.” 
You bumped his shoulder hard. “Arrogant ass.”
Damian bit back a snort. 
Four sections of spiky plastic and a million branches to unbend, Damian’s hands felt a million prickles in them. A sharp jab as opposed to the heat that radiated from the crackling fireplace beside him. 
“Should we put tinsel on this tree like the one in the drawing room? Or focus on ornaments like the one we did in the dining hall?” 
Damian turned around to see you holding up a silver garland of tinsel in one hand and a tube filled with colored ornaments in the other. His eyes flickered between them both but couldn't help the apathy he felt towards either option. 
“You choose,” he settled on, the same answer he gave when you asked this question every other time you set up a tree. 
You huffed, “You’re no help.” 
The corner of his mouth twitched upwards. He busied his hands with the cord connected to the tree and its matching remote. 
“You would end up choosing the one you preferred either way, it’s much simpler to let you choose from the start.” Plastic poked the sides of his body as he leaned through the branches to plug in the tree. 
“I would not!” you scoffed, “I respect your decisions so long as you make the obviously correct one.”
Damian rolled his eyes, knowing that you could tell by his lack of response. When he leaned back out, he saw you had picked the tinsel. He looked at you with a bored expression. “You chose tinsel?” 
“Yes?” you responded, as if you were offended he doubted you. You matched his judgment with your own easily. “I want to try the falling tinsel look.” 
“Falling tinsel,” Damian repeated back slowly, not quite understanding your artistic vision. 
You hummed, sure of yourself as you made your way to the tree. “Like this.” You plucked a few strands of tinsel from the garland and draped them over a single branch to make it look like the tinsel was similar to that of falling icicles.
The tinsel shifted as you shoved the garland towards him. “You try.” 
“You want me to dismember the tinsel.”
“Don't be so morbid.” He watched you smile despite the roll to your eyes. “It’s not like the tinsel is sentient.” 
“I suppose not.” Damian ripped a few strands off himself, feeling the aluminum coating soothe the earlier pricks on his hands. Together, you draped silver across as many branches as you could see, even the ones at the back of the tree despite Damian’s protests. 
“You can’t even see it.” 
He let you work, holding the garland for you to reach as you squeezed behind the tree. Eventually, you stepped out as Damian picked up the tinsel that lined the floor. “I think it needs some ornaments,” you said softly, no doubt speaking to yourself.
Damian peered upwards at the tree and hummed in agreement. Soon enough, every other branch held up a sleek round ornament that shifted in the firelight, reflecting the soft glow of the room. 
“Turn on the lights, Dames. I wanna see how it looks.” 
He clicked the remote on and the tree bursted to life. Small bulbs of color illuminated the entire room with vibrant hues of Christmas. It was no doubt the best tree you’d done today, perfectly timed for it was also your last. 
“It’s beautiful,” your voice was soft and full of wonder. 
Damian’s eyes followed yours around the tree, remembering each tinsel that your hands placed so carefully and each ornament you debated placements for. He could see you in the creation of something so beautiful, purely because you had made it. 
His eyes jumped to the top. “It’s not quite done yet.” 
Your eyebrows scrunched in thought, it was a flicker of a movement before it smoothed out, but Damian saw it just in time before it slipped into obscurity. Slowly, a smile crept onto your lips. “The star! I almost forgot.” 
The giddy and excitement in your voice was enough to rub off on Damian. His heart felt a flutter as his body filled with coziness. He watched from beside the tree as you dug for the topper from the boxes. 
“Here it is,” you said, holding up the gold encrusted decoration, sparkles and diamonds covering the entire surface of the lavish item. “Put it up there,” you handed the star out to him. 
Damian shook his head slightly. “You should do the honors.” 
You gave him a deadpan look. “Do you honestly think I could reach that high? You do it.” 
And ruin the moment between you and your creation? “I’d rather not,” he said. “I’ll lift you.” 
A soft snort escaped you. “There’s a ladder that’ll work just fine.” 
“I already put it away. Just come on, unless you’re a coward?” Damian challenged, his arms stretched towards you that left very little room for you to argue. You shook your head, not surprised in the slightest. You slowly walked towards him with the topper secure in your hands.
Damian felt his heartbeat ring in his ears as his arms wrapped around your upper thighs. It only got louder as you balanced yourself with your hand on his shoulder, a whirlwind of annoying butterflies pattered against his lungs and chest. He looked up, breathless, as you reached for the top of the tree, much easier now that you could reach. 
From here, he saw the stars in your eyes as the vibrant lights reflected onto your skin in small bursts of green, red, and yellow. Your smile was nearly as bright as the room around you both, with its fire and lights, Damian swore he could see the brightest star of all trapped in your happiness. The tree was no longer beautiful simply because you created it, it was a reflection of the beauty he saw in its creator. 
And all at once, the world stopped. 
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Taglist ♡
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makeyouminemp3 · 4 months
i don't know if any scene can ever reach a level of iconicness that gotham did when oswald had butch kill theo with a fucking bazooka to make sure he didn't come back, and then they just walk away. nothing will ever out match that, i'm sorry
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quillsareswords · 2 years
What about picking out pumpkins together! Or pumpkin carving!
As president of the Single on Halloween Club, I feel this. I understand how much some of us desire to be taken to a pumpkin patch. Why didn't I act on this sooner. I'm sorry. I have failed you.
WARNINGS: language
"How many are we looking for?"
You turn to look over your shoulder. He's two rows behind you, hands shoved into his jacket pockets, pushing leaves to the side with the toe of his boot as he stares down at a pumpkin.
"Well I need three," you explain, turning back to the one you're checking out. "I'm gonna carve the three little shits from The Nightmare Before Christmas. You can get as many as you want."
He rolls his eyes. As if he'd want more than one. His designs are always over the top, and always take twice as long as yours do. This year, he's decided to match your theme and copy the iconic curly hilltop scape from the same movie.
"I need a very round one and two tall skinny ones. If we can find them. I can work with all normal ones."
"I'm sure we can find a few to your specifications," he assures. He glances toward the rest of the field. The very big field. The hundreds of pumpkins. And, of course, the other people milling around. Some families, some couples, some clusters of friends.
It's the only one within five miles of Gotham. Tim and Steph are somewhere—up toward the barn getting apple cider, last be saw. You'd been passively browsing supermarkets and parking lot carts for going on two weeks now, and you can't seem to find the right few. Surely you'll find some here.
"What about this one?" he calls, crouching to get a better look at it. Short, fat. It could definitely remind him of that pudgy child with the skeleton shirt.
You step careful over the gourds left in the rows between you, stepping up behind him. He tilts it for your viewing, looking up for your verdict.
The fall sun is blindingly bright today, enjoying its clear skies. He wishes it would've covered up for a moment so it didn't blot your face in shadows for him. You've dressed so nicely today.
Even shadowed by the backlight, you brighten for the pumpkin. "Oh, that one's perfect! I'll get the clippers!" You hurry back down the isle to retrieve the wagon the farm owners gave you at the start and drag it back to him. Then, you kneel beside him with the clippers in hand. As you clamp the blades through the stem, he catches you whispering, "This is gonna look so fuckin' good."
He huffs out a laugh, and picks it up before you get the chance. "One down, three to go."
You follow him back to the wagon, as if you've got to keep an eye on the damned thing, lest he drop it or someone steal it. As if anything you've labeled perfect is something he isn't willing to fist fight a child over.
"What are you looking for?" you ask him, once your first pick is set safely in a back corner of the canvas lined basket.
"Anything will do," he shrugs one shoulder. "A flat face would be preferable."
You prop your hands on your hips and turn toward the bulk of the patch, still standing beside him.
He couldn't care less about the rolling landscape of orange and green and brown. He doesn't care what pumpkin he goes home with. He doesn't even care how the design turns out. Pumpkin carving isn't among his favorite traditions.
But you are. He got to sit on the edge of the bed this morning and watch you pick out clothes and style your hair. The whole townhouse smells like pumpkin spice and maple; it sticks to you, even beneath your favorite fragrance. He gets to stand here and look at you, in jeans and boots and one of his jackets, bathed in bright sunlight. You're glittering in excitement because you do love pumpkin carving.
Later, he's going to get to sit in the living room floor on a cheap plastic table cloth, scooping out cold, slimy pumpkin guts that he'll be digging out from under his nails all night, but it'll all be worth it when you set your pumpkins together on the front stoop. You'll turn on old Halloween favorites that you've watched every year since you were ten. You'll show him one more time how to turn the pumpkin leftovers into pumpkin pie and a spread for toast.
He'll scour this entire field for two skinny pumpkins. He'll walk all one hundred and forty-three rows, look at every pumpkin, to find whatever you want, if you'll walk with him and hold his hand. When you get cold, he'll squish your joined hands into his pocket to pull you just a little closer. Or maybe you'll hook your hand around the bend of his elbow and stick to his side.
He doesn't care if it takes all day. He'll load and carve as many pumpkins as you want. He'll buy you the whole field.
It might not be one of his favorite traditions, but it is one of yours, and that's basically the same thing, isn't it?
Tim calls both of your names, and he decides to ignore how lovely they sound together. You both turn to see he and Stephanie bounding over the rows, each with a disposable cup in either hand. The competitive glance Steph throws over her shoulder tells you that they're racing.
Steph wins. She holds one cup out to you. "We brought you cider," she pants. The cup is a warm relief from the New England chill against your palms.
Tim extends one to Damian when he catches up. "I spilled half of one of these. Don't remember which one."
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fisshbones · 2 months
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Haven’t really been feeling creative lately so sorry for not writing… send in inspo/requests for fanfics and icons/layouts. Please and ty :(
For layouts/icons: just send me the icons you want to get a match for OR tell me the character you want a layout for. Any character is fine, however I don’t do idols/irl musicians/actors/ect.
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For writing i may not fulfill requests sorry, i’ll try to get to them. I’m new to writing too 😭
-> you can request pretty much anything for the fandoms i’m in ig? Except what’s in the ‘not’ section. I currently only really do hcs but i can try oneshots too.
-> Fandoms i write for: genshin impact, honkai star rail, obey me shall we date, bungo stray dogs, jjk, mystic messenger, (& maybe????) gotham.
-> for writing i’ll do fluff, angst, and smut too. i also only do gn & fem readers!
-> what i will NOT accept requests for: anything to do with dub/non con, somno, incest/stepcest, pedophillia, age gaps, yandere, impact play, vomit or scat kinks, male reader, any characters that are minors
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furikass · 1 year
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I made Pride Nygmobblepot Icons with their flags <3
If anyone wants to use them feel free, just credit me.
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flowersxann · 10 months
batman gotham by gaslight catwoman/selina kyle icons 🖤
+ brucelina matching icons <3
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78 notes · View notes
Riddlers having to take care of a baby? Not theirs, dumped on them by accident. Then, just when they get comfortable, the baby has to be taken away to a real home.
"The Riddler with a baby." Riddler party ask
Oh okay we're attacking me emotionally, I see how it is. This is fine, I didn't tear up at parts writing this-
Tw: child abuse (mentioned)
- "OSWALD..." He's texting his friend, sometimes nemesis, sort of lover in a flurry. Then he's on his doorstep with the baby within an hour.
- It becomes a lot of shenigans with These Two Smart Idiots taking care of a baby together. "No, Edward, I didn't raise a child, I had Martin around for a short while, that was DIFFERENT."
- Oswald fusses. Socks on the babies hands so they don't scratch their face. Ones his mother made him. Edward reads the baby huge encyclopedia entries- his favorites, for intellectual enrichment.
- If nothing else, that baby is going to be a fashion icon between them.
- Lots of the pair falling asleep on each other because the baby kept them up all night in the crib next to the bed they're sharing.
- When Edward has to give the baby back, he tries to be logical about it. The baby needs to go to a proper home.
- Oswald is the one to hold his hand and tell him it's alright to be sad about it, even if it needed to happen. They find comfort in one another.
- Goofy uncle mode activated. Babies LOVE him. He's funny, does voices, and is very affectionate.
- Despite any protests from his current goons, he's going to be baby proofing and doing a lot of setting up for the child in the hideout.
- He does that thing where he swings them close to his body in his arms and just rapid kisses the cheeks.
- baby themed riddles and puns :)
- Crooning soft lullabies and whatever radio songs he can think of to get the baby to sleep. Everyone is rather shocked that his voice is... wow. Beautiful.
- Still going to commit crimes with a baby in his arms and will use that as the reason for why Batman can't punch him, also will scold him for being too loud.
- He's disappointed when he has to give them back, but he's understanding. After all, he wouldn't want the little tyke in danger! And he's certainly not ready to give up his criminal enterprise on Gotham... yet.
Capullo/zero year
- Hates this. No, he abhors this. He's going to try everything he can to dump this baby on someone else until he has to deal with the fact he's just. Stuck.
- This is cramping his style. Vomit and poop and mess and he's desperately trying to just aim it all away from his expensive suits.
- And the CRYING! No wonder his father hated- and he stops. His own thought process made him sick to his stomach.
- Okay... he can handle this for a short while. He is brilliant, after all.
- Everything quickly becomes automated in his workspace. Robots to aid him in making formula and remind him of feeding times-
- Most affectionate after bath time when the baby is swaddled and sleepy from warmth. The skin bonding. Perhaps... this isn't SO bad.
- Probably the happiest to give the baby back. That was a close one, those hormonal chemicals started getting him emotionally soft for a second. Less focused on his goals. Can't have that!
- Far too classy to suddenly be a caretaker to a young baby. Aren't there no report laws for this exact reason? But he digresses. It's not the child's fault everyone else besides him are morons.
- Immediately making small inventions and non-swallow sized toys for the baby to occupy themselves on. Keeping them stimulated will hopefully lead to less crying ergo, less distraction from work.
- His clumsy goons all get turns rocking the baby when they get upset for this exact reason.
- If they don't do it right, he's taking the baby to hum low songs until they sleep. Then he smiles in satisfaction when he puts them down.
- The baby is going to be dressed well. Dashing and/or darling with what he finds to put them in. They match!
- When he does get the resources together for the baby to get where they need to be, he's a little sad. Not necessarily because he's had some great longing for fatherhood, but it certainly wasn't his worst adventure.
Telltale games
- Shockingly, while annoyed, actually takes to it fairly okay. He's had more time to deal with any father-related trauma in his past and is a lot more about taking care of the little thing until he no longer has to than whining about it.
- At first it's going to be incredibly clinical. What are a babies basic needs? Food, shelter... comfort.
- There are a lot of quiet moments that he drapes a blanket over his shoulder and just encourages the baby to sleep on him.
- Although he'd never admit it, he does wonder about a different life. Perhaps if he'd never fallen in with Waller and been betrayed... ah. But it's far too late for that, isn't it, little one?
- He's almost spiteful having to give the baby back. No? This is his now. He's kissed them, changed their diapers, bottle fed them- you can't just take this all back.
- He will, of course, but... something in his chest hurts.
Arkham games
- Angry he's been put in this situation. What kind of IDIOT would leave a baby in his care? Do they want the thing to starve? He's hardly taking care of himself.
- It does not go well in the beginning. Lots of crying as he scrambles to get the care together but none of the emotional needs.
- This plus a lack of sleep leads to Edward screaming at the little thing. Calling them every horrible name under the sun. Ungrateful, worthless, STUPID child- The thought hits him all at once like a ton of bricks.
- "I sound like my father." He's white knuckling the edge of the shitty crib. What next, Edward? Will you use them as a punching bag?
- His breathing is shaky as he scoops them up, "No, no, I'm sorry. You're not- you're just fine. Yes, you're alright. You're perfect just the way you are-" and suddenly the crying stops.
- A sigh of relief. He holds them close. He's going to automate the crib to rock with a button. Lots more holding. He's not... good at positive reinforcement but he's definitely giving it all he's got.
- When it's time for the baby to go, there's mixed feelings. Relief that he's no longer stuck with such a burden. Sadness that for a glimmer of a second, he saw something in himself he genuinely hated.
Batman 2022/Nashton
- The anxiety feels like it's going to eat him alive. What would he know about caring for children when his only experience was looking out for children younger than himself at the orphanage? He couldn't even do that right! Lots of self-doubt and intrusive thoughts at first.
- Sets them up in a room away from the stream setup. Can't have a baby visible when he shows up as the Riddler for his followers!
- Manages to get his shit together, talking to them about all the things he's gotten to take care of them with! Formula... ohhhh and blankets- soft cooing voice the baby seems to like.
- He didn't sleep much before anyways so having a baby around doesn't change that much. Actually, in a way, having the baby in his space gets him out of spiraling too hard at night. Weird side effect but he's not going to complain!
- Watches so many horror movies or weird shit with the baby in his lap as he explains behind the scenes or "this is what would really happen" facts to them. All while smiling at them.
- When he has to give the baby back, he almost doesn't want to. What, is he not fucking good enough? He knows logically it's what needs to happen but it adds to his feelings of isolation/not being good enough.
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lovely--lover · 2 years
Edward Nashton with a Seamstress
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Request: Edward Nashton with a seamstress s/o who likes to help make some of his gear and repair his clothes. Thank you @callsigncrash 
❔Eddie is a little chunky and gets almost all his clothes secondhand so he is prone to holes and tears in his clothing. So he would adore it if his partner could mend his clothing
❔He will approach you with red cheeks the clothing item folded in his hands. “My shirt ripped again....”
❔Every time he looks at a mended seam or added patch he thinks of you and the love you sewed into it. 
❔It can get quite cold in Gotham so you make Eddie a new set of gloves and a scarf (green of course💚 )
❔Eddie ask you to teach him how to sew so that he can fix his own clothes when you are busy. 
❔One day you meet him at the dinner and he has bandages all over his fingers. When you ask what happened Eddie tells you how he tried to fix the ripped seam in his slacks but he kept stabbing his fingers 🥺
❔You upcycle thrifted clothes into matching outfits for you and Eddie!! Eddie loves wearing them in public with you because it is a silent way of showing everyone who sees that you are his.
❔Eddies blankets definitely have holes them so you add colorful patches, cut into hearts, to mend them. His blanket is now covered in a rainbow of hearts 
The Riddler
❔”Can you sew leather?” 
❔Eddie comes to you with his mask design that is scribbled on a crumpled up piece of paper. The design was difficult to understand so you add your own changes to the mask.
❔When you show Eddie the mask he squeals “It is so much better than I could have ever imagined!” He tries it on immediately (makes you take the iconic polaroid photo 🤭)
❔You make mini shirts for his rats and he gets mad 🙄 “Why did you sew names on them?” “Because those are their names...” (your rat privileges are revoked😔 ) 
❔Ask you to add the question mark design onto his his jacket. He shows you the different question marks he made. “Which one looks the coolest.....it needs to be simple but also me?”
❔You gift his a teddy bear with a mini Riddler outfit that you handmade (you’ve got build a bear at home😊 )
I hope it’s not too short and you enjoy!!
@sapphicandserendipityy @mufnasa
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DC Comics Characters as Mauraders
So this initially stemmed from my bi yearly harlivy brainrot session where I thought "oh my god, Dorcas and Marlene are so Ivy and Harley." Specifically Dark Knights of Steel Harlivy (I would bury an army for you) (In return you will live here with me/ In return you won't fight in the war. This again? This always) . Want me to explain- gladly. Marlene "dive in head first, my blood runs red and gold, if I go, I will drag you to hell with me" McKinnon, working for The Order and thinking "hey this is kinda sketch, I don't know if we can trust Dumbledore" and Dorcas "every acquaintance is a new connection to better myself, killed by Voldemort personally, I will slither on my stomach if it means I can slice as your Achilles tendon and watch you fall" Meadows being the Anti-Heroes needed to end the Voldemort. They know they must fight in the war, they just need to fight on their own side.
And then I thought- why stop at them. So I present, the Mauraders as DC Comics Characters:
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Starting off strong, James and Lily as the Iconic Blue Boy Scout and Pulitzer Prize winning Lois Lane. Do I need to explain? The Kal-el is so James/Mirrorball coded, and if James ever became a supe, Lily Evans would be the first to know.
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After this, we have Remus and Sirius as Bruce and Selina Kyle. Remus is so Bruce Wayne- an orphan with a bad experience with animals at a young age. Reserved and quiet but a commanding authority figure that eyes turn to in times of need. Like, Remus is so batman but Brucie- oh that all Remu. Remu is a cassanova that everyone has a crush on, the life of the party that drinks iced tea at Gala's and is always limping or wincing over something. Sirius, well for a second I did switch the two and have Sirius be bruce but no, Sirius is so Selina. Sirius steals diamonds from museums, knowing that he has the money and Remus could buy them if he really wanted because "well where's the fun in that Moony." (Sirius has a huge platonic obsession with Superman and when Remus makes the Justice League he is ELATED. He loves going to HQ and telling embarrassing stories to James. He even let it slip that he calls Remus Moony and now all of the Core Members do it too. He loves hates it.) (Also, Sirius is friends with Marlene in any universe and he loves that it annoys Remus a little bit. When Harley/Marlene finally joins the league, they celebrate by breaking into a new art exhibit)
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After this we have Pete as Barry "I could have finished this myself but that wouldn't be as fun" Allen. Pete is kinda just at the meetings as a favor to James and doesn't understand why Batman won't just let him take care of the Joker himself. Peter is nice and always a bit confused as to what is going on. Batman used to scare him, but shortly after learning about Moony, the two started bonding over nerdy shit together.
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With the Arrowverse being the origins of my love for D.C (yes, I know it isn't comic accurate, but middleschool me loved it so fuck off), I have to make Mary as Dinah. I don't know much about comic accurate Dinah- a problem I plan on rectifying in the future- but her general "I'm done with this shit" vibe is matches Mary "i'm leaving the wizarding world and not turning back".
Alice and Frank as Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Evan and Barty as Penguin and Riddler (Gotham's Penguin and Batman 2022's Riddler because yes)
Regulus as Jason "Do I look like Batman? Musty Bitch" Todd
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